Tubi Original Marry F*** Kill (2023) Fails to Make Party Game Convincingly Scary

Title: Marry F*** Kill

First Non-Festival Release: April 7, 2023 (Digital/Streaming Platforms)

Director: Caroline Labréche

Writer: Ian Carpenter, Aaron Martin

Runtime: 88 Minutes

Starring: Jedidiah Goodacre, Maxine Denis, Robbie G.K.

Where to Watch: Check out where to find it here


After the death of their former college friend, five people make their way to a small town for her funeral. To pass the time before, the group falls back on their habit of playing their go-to party game of “Marry F*** Kill.” Things get sticky when they learn about the contents of their late friend’s will, and their quick stay turns into a nightmare, once they realize there is a more sinister reason for their invitation.


Contrived supernatural horror meets party game, Marry F*** Kill lacks the tension and fun its namesake evokes.

Marry F*** Kill has an incredibly steep hill to cross over based on premise alone, and unfortunately the convoluted story lacks. A cold open reveals that the modern interpretation of the titular game arises from an occult ritual that has sinister origins. With that established, the central cast of characters mourning the loss of their estranged friend coincidentally have a habit of playing the game with each other at inappropriate times. Much of the action from this point and beyond is predicated on a series of convoluted reveals that make for one of the most unnecessarily roundabout ways of an antagonist carrying out their evil plan. Marry F*** Kill doesn’t make this journey engaging or coherent.


Adding intricate lore to the party game isn’t the problem. Its dull approach to character development and a silly third act reveal that makes the film disappointing to say the least. Each character is a shell of a human without much to say beyond their stereotype. There is a nymphomanic, a money obsessed gay man, and a prude among others. Grant leads the crew as the wayward puppy dog protagonist who feels guilty for his part in ending his ex-girlfriend’s life after she walks in on the group having an impromptu orgy. As Grant blindly stumbles in the dark through the absurdity of the group’s situation for most of the runtime, he learns about the twists that take away much of the agency he and several other key players have in their fates. The knowledge may fall neatly into his lap, but it’s entertaining enough to move the story along despite its uneven pace.

Adding to its plodding story, the tension sags alongside with it, making for a rather laborious watch. While there are a few moments that manage to set up a solid scare or two, most of the frights in Marry F*** Kill come from unconvincing jump scares and slightly disturbing imagery. There isn’t much that a typical viewer hasn’t already seen, but it is done in a serviceable manner considering the script it must follow. 


Perhaps the brightest spot of the Tubi original is its cast, who manage to elevate the material far above the reaches of its story. Much of the emotional work comes from Jedidiah Goodacre as he attempts to bring Grant’s eyebrow-raising arc to life. He does a fine job of shaping Grant into someone you could root for. Both Maxine Denis and Robbie G.K. get to lean into some more fun character work, with Paige and Simon rising to be surprisingly endearing and hilarious characters thanks to their wit.

While it is true that many going into a Tubi Original called Marry F*** Kill do not have high expectations for the content of its story, that doesn’t stop this film from being a bummer. There are plenty of exciting angles to attack this type of premise, and it does it in one of the less interesting manners. Devoid of narrative substance and suitable scares, much of the film falls on the shoulders of its surprisingly decent cast. As you are searching for a film to entertain you for the night, feel free to play the game if you are willing to accept the potential consequences losing might bring you.


Overall Score? 4/10


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